Frequently asked Questions
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Yes. When the employer intends to have construction work carried out, he/she must at least 30 days before that work is to be carried out, apply to the provincial director in writing for a construction work permit to perform construction work.
Yes, a registered and accredited agent must be appointed for a construction project to oversee the project works on behalf of the employer to ensure legal compliance on the project.
  • Ensuring that the contractor adheres to the construction project contractual agreement
  • Ensuring that the contractor adheres to his/her health and safety plan for the construction project
  • Ensuring the construction works/operations are legally compliant and operationally sound, and health and safety management processes and systems are meeting the required standards
Because of prescribed construction activities that may not have been included in the construction work permit application, i.e excavation work, working at heights, demolition work and use of explosives.
Failure to adhere to/comply with the Act or an instruction in terms of the Act would constitute committing a criminal offence.
Depending on the project scope of work, a specification must be drafted setting out the legal and operational requirments that must be adhered to by the contractor and what the client expects of the contractor's work performance during the construction project works - it must also be attached to tender documentation.
  • General health and safety induction: Inclusive of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy
  • Emergency evacuation
  • Fire fighting
  • First aid
  • Health and Safety Representative
  • Legal liability of management
  • Supervisor safety
  • Specific work-place health and safety standards
  • Not adhering to rules and procedures
  • Performing work under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Making unsafe safety devices
  • Failure to adhere to Personl Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements or not using PPE as required
  • Working at heights without safety harnesses
  • Incorrect machine guarding
  • Open or unguarded live electrical installations
  • Oil and/or spills not cleaned up
  • Unguarded rotating machinery/devices
  • Unroadworthy vehicles
To identify and evaluate hazards to health and safety in the work-place, what precautionary measures are to be taken to minimise such hazards and provide the means to apply those measures - it must also be attached to tender documentation.
The client's Health and Safety Division and/or appointed agent or a combination of both.
They have been developed to assist in the provision of/guidance for the health and safety of people at work
They provide procedures to follow to ensure the health and safety of people operating plant and machinery.


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