Frequently asked Questions
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Rates are calculated by charging a percentage of the valuation of your property as an annual fee. The higher the value of your property, the higher your rates will be. The value of the property is determined by valuers and the resulting value is multiplied by a factor (eg 2.4%), which in turn results in the amount of rates charged. These funds are then used by the Municipality to maintain NMBM infrastructure (such as roads and streetlights). 

It is important to remember that the Municipality has to fund most projects and maintenance work in its area itself. Road maintenance, stormwater drainage systems, electricity consumed by street lighting and many other services that directly or indirectly benefit NMBM residents have to be financed. The income from rates charges finances these and other community services. 

§  The property must be categorised as residential

§  You must be the owner of the property on 1 July of the year for which the rebate is being applied

§  You must be a pensioner and at least 60 years old

§  The joint income of all occupants residing on the relevant property may not exceed an amount prescribed by Council on an annual basis. 

Contact the Call Centre on (041) 506 5555 or contact any of the Customer Care Satellite Offices and establish the full balance owing as well as the re-connection fee. Make these payments and take the receipt to the Customer Care enquiries section where a staff member will arrange for the re-connection of your services. 
You can apply for a rates rebate should you qualify for such a rebate. There are various types of rates rebates.
  • Pensioners/Disabled Rates Rebates
  • Rates Exemption for Public Benefit Organisations and Not-for-Gain Institutions
  • Sporting Body Rates Rebate
  • Public Benefit Organisations – Education Purposes Rates Rebate

Annual property rates are payable in full on or before the end of September each year.

Property rates are charged to the accounts of property owners on 1 July each year. If the property owner wishes to pay it monthly, the first installment would be due and payable in August. The date in August depends on the due date of the services (water and/or electricity) linked to the relevant property. 

§  The annual increase takes effect on the first of July of each year, as this Municipality’s financial year is from 01 July until 30 June the following year

§  When a supplementary valuation is done

§  Every four years, when the entire Metro gets revalued in terms of the Property Rates Act 


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