Who are the Metro Police?
We are the municipal police force, appointed in terms of the South African Police Services Act as municipal police officers in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM).
What is the Metro Police’s mandate?
The Metro Police has been mandated to enforce municipal by-laws, to police traffic offences and to do crime prevention in conjunction with the South African Police Services.
Our policing service differs from the SAPS. The SAPS have the national mandate and thus deal with all crime issues, as well as the investigation thereof. Serious and violent crimes fall under the mandate of the SAPS.
Each complaint laid with the Metro Police will be accompanied by an Occurrence Book reference. This is an important reference for the complainant, as it will be used to track its progress.
By-law offences will be fully dealt with under the law. Members of the Metro Police will not hesitate to act against offenders, without fear or favour.
Residents are to note that the following by-laws will form the core of our renewed enforcement strategy:- Water and Sanitation
- Illegal dumping
- Public amenities
- Health
- Noise control
- Outdoor signs and advertising
- Public nuisance
- Roads, traffic and safety
- Street trading
- Waste management
- Illegal electricity
- Fire safety, including illegal fireworks
The above by-laws will be the basis of multi-disciplinary enforcement projects as well as autonomous operations.
Residents are requested to ensure that they familiarise themselves with all the municipal by-laws. These by-laws and their fine schedules are available on the municipal website at
Important numbers to remember are:
- Metro Police Emergency number: 041 585 1555 (option 2) or 041 508 5501
- NMBM Service Delivery Hotline: 0800 20 50 50
- NMBM Cable Theft Hotline: 041 508 5576 (Security Services)
The Metro Police has a 24-hour Control Room and should be contacted if our assistance with the above mandated issues is required.
If you have a complaint against any Metro Police member, please don’t hesitate to contact our Internal Affairs Division. They can be reached on:
- E-mail: or
The report is confidential, and you will only be contacted by the investigating officer.
You can also report any criminal activity by any Metro Police member to the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID).
We want to serve our City and its residents. Help us to create safe areas by not breaking municipal by-laws and adhering to the laws of this beautiful country.
Our complaints management system comprises of the following:
The Nelson Mandela Bay Metro Police Department was approved and established in terms of the Province of the Eastern Cape Extraordinary Provincial Gazette Number 2691, dated 27 January 2012, as provided for in terms of the South African Police Service Act 68 of 1995, as amended and operationalised 29 March 2017.
The first Chief of Metro Police was Ms YCR Faro.

The promulgation f Section 64 of the SAPS Amendment Act 83 of 1998, gave effect to the provisions of Section 205(1) of the Constitution. Subsection 64E of the South African Police Service (SAPS) Amendment Act assigns the statutory functions of the municipal police service as:
- traffic policing, subject to any legislation relating to road traffic,
- the policing of municipal by-laws and regulations which are the responsibility of the municipality in question and,
- the prevention of crime.
The South African Police Services Act also directs the National Police Commissioner whom directs the operations of the Metro Police. In this sense the National Police Commissioner have directed an expansion of scope are:
- Crowd Management.
- Domestic Violence incident reporting compliance.
- Enforcement of the Eastern Cape Liquor Act.
It should be noted that all Metro Police members are Peace Officers and as such we are all commissioners of oaths.