• Apply
    • Advertising sign
    • Building related
      • Building Certificates - Northern areas

          Fayrosa James  -  SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041-506 2559
          079 490 0403


          Henry Kayster  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041-506 2559
          079 490 0387

          KWAMAGXAK I/ KWADWESI                       

          Lewis Blignaut  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041-506 2558
          079 490 0388


          Steven Adjei  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041-506 2550
          079 490 0944


          Nceba Mthwisha  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041-506 2556


          Basil Makana  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041-506 2505
          078 058 8848

          WELLS ESTATE                  

          Sizwe Pakati  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041-506 2503
          084 263 2311


          Solomon Mbangi  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR

          041-506 1496    


      • Building Certificates - PE areas
        • Pumza Gwabeni  -  SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR (PE)
          041 506 2122
          079 8916 062


          Tracy-Leigh Stephen  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2120
          073 7202 720

          PE FARMS                           

          Bennie Schmidt - BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2328
          078 2166 710

          MILL PARK / MOUNT ROAD / NEWTON PARK / NORTH END                          

          Hanlie Fourie - BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2147
          078 2588 959


          Pietro Benini  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2137
          079 8916 103


          Susan Barnardo  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2126
          079 4900 386

          GELVANDALE / KOSTEN / MALABAR                        

          Randall Adams  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2494
          079 4900 400

          GREENBUSHES / KABEGA                             

          Lloyd Perils  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2247
          079 8916 088

          WESTERING / COTSWOLD                           

          Thandokazi Mkhwe -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2152    


          Nondumiso Noruwana -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 1737    


          Sinyusele Mgudlwa -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2121    

          LORRAINE / FAIRVIEW                   

          Justin Arendse  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2437
          079 4900 399


          Eric Shultz  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 506 2228
          071 6080 905


          Glen Claasen  -  LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER
          041 506 2410
          079 8916 122


      • Building Certificates - Uitenhage/Despatch areas

          Anees Zondie -  SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 994 1112
          079 490 0397


          Theunis Kleinhans -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 944 1140
          079 490 0394

          KWANOBUHLE (FROM 1 - 11)                    

          Desmond Bouw  -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 944 1135
          083 321 2624

          FARMS AND RDP            

          Heinrich Meyer - BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 944 1141
          079 490 0406

          CENTRAL, TOWN AND INDUSTRIAL                        

          Marius Stoltz - BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 944 1102
          084 520 5632


          Cornelius Potgieter - BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 944 1641
          079 891 6058

          NORTHERN AREAS (UITENHAGE)                            

          Razeen Ackerdien -  BUILDING INSPECTOR
          041 944 1168
          079 490 1367

          IBHAYI AND UITENHAGE                             

          Andrew Brooks  -  LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER
          041 944 1603
          079 899 9155


      • Building demolition
      • Building Line - relaxation
      • Building Plan
      • Building records of my property
        • The Building Inspectorate Office is the primary source of information about your property. Ask for a copy of the history for your property. This history is typically previously approved plans with dates of all building additions done and general data about the construction. The Building Inspectorate Main Office (PE) can be reached at 041 506 2462.

          Please note that copies of the records can be made at the Central Information offices (Ground Floor, Lillian Diedricks Building) after payment has been made on the ground floor at the cashiers, Mfanasekhaya Gqobose Building. Please note that no cash will be accepted for plan copies at the Building Inspector Archive counter and that you will only receive a receipt for payment to be made at the cashiers. You will be charged according to size of prints of the plans as well as the amount of copies you require.
      • Property development
        • The zoning regulations as well as the correct property description and details of the size, orientation etc can be obtained from 3rdfloor, Lillian Diedericks (Brister House), 191 Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth.

          Details of restrictions set out in the Title Deed can be established by obtaining a copy of the Title Deed from the Deeds Office, or the Bank or Financial Institution that holds the mortgage bond.

          Can I change the zoning regulations and/or remove restrictive conditions of title?

          If a proposed property development requires a change of the zoning regulations or amendment of the title conditions, this is possible, but requires an application and a formal procedure. There are numerous different kinds of applications, many which are technically and legally complex.  It is therefore advisable to consult a professional town planning consultant or other professionals.

          Some development proposals may not require rezoning or removal of restrictive conditions but nevertheless need the Councils permission.  These are known as Consent Applications and are usually less complex, but need to be legally and technical correct.

          Pre-consultation process where a planner will advise the applicant on which land application to apply and Pre-consultation forms are available at 3rd floor, Lillian Diedericks (Brister House), 191 Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth.

          Form for the various types of applications available at 2ndfloor, Lillian Diedericks (Brister House), 191 Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth. Click here to download the form.

      • Questions & Answers
    • Business Related
    • Clearance Certificates
      • How do I apply for a Billing Clearance Certificate?
        • The municipal account holder, authorized person or director of the business wishing to tender, must call in person at the Billing Clearance office, in order to request a certificate.

          The billing clearance official on duty will interrogate the NMBM Billing System to verify whether any debt is owing to NMBM and issue the relevant certificate.

          If there are arrears service charges owing to NMBM, the applicant will be required to settle the full arrears or conclude suitable re-payment arrangements in terms of Council’s approved Debt Collection Policy. A copy of said policy can be found under policies on the NMBM Website in order to view details of affordable r-payment terms on offer by NMBM.

          Billing Clearance Office Contact Details:

          Tel: 041 – 506 3136
          Fax: 041 – 086 5773 809
          Email: billclear@mandelametro.gov.za
          Address: NMBM Stores, Harrower Road, North End

          Kindly note that a fee will be payable, in terms of Council’s approved Tariff Policy, in order to obtain two (2) copies of the billing clearance certificate. 

          This fee will increase with each financial year, on the 1st July. In order to confirm the fee as at today, kindly view NMBM’s Tariffs on the NMBM website.

      • How do I obtain a 'diagram clearance certificate' of my newly subdivided erf?
        • You (or your Conveyancer) can lodge the following documents to 'Land Survey Enquiries Counter' on the 3rd floor Kwantu Towers:

          a) Approved land survey diagrams (SG diagrams)

          b) Council subdivision application approval

          c) Plumbing- and Electrical certificates

             (Council application annexures 1 & 2)

          Please note that in the case of new Townships (General plans) 'service certificates' must be forwarded by the Consultant Engineer to 'Planning and Development' on the 4th floor Kwantu Towers for Municipal clearance purposes.

      • How many types of billing certificates are there?
        • There are two (2) types of Billing Clearance Certificates can be issued: 

          • For Businesses that do not have any accounts with NMBM
          • For Businesses that have accounts with NMBM 

          Businesses who have accounts with NMBM - the following procedures will apply:

          1) Close corporation (1-10 members)

          The CK document issued by the Registrar of Companies has to be produced with every Tender Application and all Identity Numbers of members/directors/persons listed on the CK Document are used to search for any accounts with outstanding balances, before a Billing Clearance Certificate can be issued.

          If any accounts are in arrears, the accounts must first be paid up or arrangements made to settle outstanding debt.

          Customer Care Section has to furnish the person with a letter informing NMBM: Stores that the accounts were settled or that formal arrangements have been concluded as the transactions will not reflect immediately on the customer’s account.

          2) Co-Operatives

          Members can be more than 10 members. In this particular instance the persons who have signing powers, and search for their personal accounts & Business Account.

          Once again, Customer Care Section has to furnish the person with a letter informing NMBM: Stores that the accounts were settled or that formal arrangements have been concluded as the transactions will not reflect immediately on the customer’s account.

          3) Sole Proprietorship

          Single individuals with valid tax clearance certificate and ID document to check for an account in their name – Business & Residential premises.

          If any accounts are in arrears, the accounts must first be paid up or arrangements made to settle outstanding debt.

          Customer Care Section has to furnish the person with a letter informing NMBM: Stores that the accounts were settled or that formal arrangements have been concluded as the transactions will not reflect immediately on the customer’s account.

          General Notes

          • If a person/member/director is no longer with the Partnership/Co-Operative/Company/ they should go back to the Registrar of Companies to have their name/s legally removed and produce new CK document. Only then the stakeholder’s status will be omitted from the Billing Clearance Certificate.
          • Individuals who are operating Businesses from home and the account are in the name of their parents and who are still living with their family cannot be held accountable for their family’s accounts. 
          • Potential Suppliers who are under administration must first have their administration order rescinded and formal arrangements made before a Billing Clearance Certificate can be issued. Customer Care Section has to furnish the person with a letter informing stores that the accounts were settled or that formal arrangements have been concluded as the transactions will not reflect immediately on the customer’s account.
      • What is a Billing Clearance Certificate?
        • A Billing Clearance Certificate is a document that all Registered Companies, Close Corporations, Trusts, Partnerships and a Sole Proprietorships, require when the wish to tender on any contract/supply of goods/rendering of services etc. which went out on Tender from NMBM. In order for any prospective Supplier, he / she / the business have to be registered on the NMBM Supplier Database with Trade World. The Billing Clearance Certificate contains the following information:

          • Date of issue
          • Time of issue
          • Name of the business
          • Address from which the business is being operated
          • All NMBM accounts and persons linked to the application. (Business and/or Residential)
          • The expiry date of the certificate which is only valid for 30 days.

          When receiving the tender applications with the Billing Clearance Certificate & Tax Clearance Certificate attached, all accounts are verified on the system as paid up. If the accounts are up to date, the tender application will be accepted.

          In the event that an account is in arrears, the tender application will not be considered, unless the account is paid in full or suitable arrangements have been made by the customer if he/she has a pending query on their account(s).

          In instances like this Customer Care Section need to supply the person with a letter stating that formal arrangements have been concluded or that the account is paid up to date as the payments and arrangements will not reflect on the system immediately. After completion of the above, a new and valid Billing Clearance Certificate can be issued again.

          A Tender Application should always be accompanied by the following legal documents:

          • A valid Billing Clearance Certificate
          • A valid Tax Clearance Certificate issued by SARS

          Without the submission of the two legal documents, the tender application will not be considered.

    • Disabled Parking Disk
      • The Traffic and Licensing Services Department at the corner of Sidwell and Cresswell Streets accept payment for Traffic Fines, Warrants of Arrest, Accident Reports, Electricity, Dog Licenses and Parking Discs for the Physically Disabled in the cash hall of its Customer Care Centre.

        Tel: 041 402 1000
        Fax: 041402 1166
        email: traffic@mandelametro.gov.za
    • Electricity
    • Estate late transfer
      • An ‘estate late’ account applies where the registered owner/occupant of a property passed away. The account will become an ‘estate late’ account once the NMBM is notified via a death certificate.

        If the deceased had a will and a beneficiary is stated in the will, a normal transfer has to take place and the required deposit must be paid if the beneficiary is working and his/her income exceeds two state pensions. If the beneficiary is unemployed or his/her income is less than two state pensions, the MBM will transfer the property free of charge unto the name of the beneficiary. Please take note that the monthly account has to be paid after the deceased passed away. If the beneficiary is unemployed, he/she can apply for ATTP. 

        Please contact your nearest Customer Care center

    • Fire Safety Certificate
        • An appointment must be made with the Fire Safety Division. 041 585 2311
        • A physically inspection will be within 24 hours. 
        • Council’s Tariff of Charges will apply. 

        NOTE: There are costs involved for certain services. Contact: 041 585 2311.

        For any South Africa National Standards (SANS) queries or the purchase of SANS documents, please contact the Standards Sales Office at 012 4286198 / 6834 or sales@sabs.co.za.

    • General Valuation Objection
    • Hall Booking
    • Internship / EPWP / Bursary
    • Land development
      • Land Development Application Form
      • Land Development Pre-Consultation
        • Effective as at 01 March, 2020

          ·      All land development applications must be screened on the 3rd floor (room number 3 and 4) Lillian Diedericks Building, contact person: Ms Van Der Mescht @ 041 506 2435 & Mr Masixole Bana @ 041 506 2426 prior to it being submitted at Records (Ground floor) Lillian Diedericks Building, this will be conducted between 08H00 to 12H00 daily.

          ·        Screening will verify that all required documentation is included and application checklist will be stamped.

          ·        Applications that require documentation will be considered incomplete and will not be accepted for /at submission.

          ·        Records will only accept application submissions that has been stamped and that includes confirmation of payment.

          Download pre-consultation application form
    • Library Services
      • Children library services
      • Free e-books
        • 1. You need to be a registered member of a NMBM Library
          2. You will need your library card number to log into Overdrive (platform where our eBooks are hosted)
          3. Click here to go directly to the eBook also called eMedia or eLibrary 

          NB: To access eBooks, you must not have any alerts attached to your user profile (i.e. fines, overdue items,  etc) 
      • Free newspapers and magazines
        • 1. You need to be a registered member of a NMBM Library
          2. You will need your library card number to log into PressReader (platform where newspapers and magazines are hosted)
          3. Click here to go directly to PressReader.

          NB: To access PressReader, you must not have any alerts attached to your user profile (i.e. fines, overdue items,  etc) 
      • I lost my library book, what do I do?
        • Report this to your library immediately to prevent fines being incurred.  You will be asked to either pay the replacement cost of the book, or to replace it with the same or similar title in mint condition.
      • Join the library
      • Libraries with free WiFi
        • What is e-Connect?

          e-connect service is a dedicated in-door service that brings the classroom to you. On registration, it allows students to link up with the NMMU learning sites and the NMBM website for free.  Each person gets 100Mb per device per day for free to brows other sites not listed above.  

          Which Municipal venues offer Free Wi-Fi?

          At all the listed sites below:
          • Algoa Park Library,
          • Cleary Park Customer Care,
          • ETB Customer Care/Mfanasekhaya Qqobose Banking Hall,
          • Korsten Library, 
          • Korsten Office Customer Care, 
          • Korsten: Drivers Licence Testing Centre, Motherwell Library, 
          • New Brighton Customer Care, 
          • New Brighton Library, 
          • Newton Park Library, 
          • North End Library, 
          • Raymond Mhlaba Sports Centre Customer Care, 
          • Uitenhage Customer Care,
          • Uitenhage Town Library, 
          • Walmer Customer Care,
          • Walmer Library, 
          • Zwide Library

          What do I need to connect?

          A Smart Phone, to activate your Wi-Fi on your phone

          Can I use it even if I'm not a student?


          Why is it only available inside the venue - I want to sit outside?

          Its confine to the listed offices for Security Reasons

          How many free data do I get and for how long is it active?

          100 Meg p/day p/device

          Are there any free websites and what are the URL's?

          Yes, NMBM web site and the three learning sites for the NMMU students.

          Do I have to register and why?

          Yes, for security reasons. 

          How do I connect?

          Connect on your Wi-Fi and link onto your browser.

          Can I carry my data over to the next day?

          No, you get another 100Mb the next day.

          Will I lose my data if I go to another venue?

          Not if you have not used up your 100mb of data. You can take it from one venue to the other.

          Who pays for it?

          The National department of Telecommunication has paid for this service for 24 months.

          How do I get help if I’m stuck?

          You can call the Call Centre Number 0861 468 7768  or visit support@alwayson.co.za

          Can I transfer my data to another person?


          How many devices can I connect in one day?

          As many as you want.
      • Renew library book/s
        • You may request a renewal by phoning the library where you borrowed the book.  Have you library membership card and your books at hand, as you will be need to give the staff your user number and the book numbers.  You will be given a renewal reference number and the new due dates.

          You may also send an email to bookrenewals@mandelametro.gov.za, giving the same information.  You will receive an email giving you the new due dates.
    • Licenses and Permits
      • Boat license
        • Licences for Sundays River and Swartkops River are the responsibility of the Environmental Management Sub-Directorate and can be obtained at the following places: 

          1.Swartkops River:  Rod Club:  041 466 1690 or Sundays River 
          2. At the security boom at Pearsons Park Caravan Park
          3. All other boat licences or seaworthy certificates will be issued by the SA Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA),  www.samsa.org.za
      • Do I need a permit to launch a motor-powered vessel from the beach area?
        • Yes, a permit is required to launch a boat from the coastal zone area.
          Applications can be made at the Beach Office of the Municipality: 

          E-mail: adminbo@mandelametro.gov.za
          Tel: 041 506 1747
      • Driver's Licences
        • Check and validate your driver's licence
          • NATIS has implemented an online system where motorists can check the validity/status of their licence cards. Please click HERE and follow the prompts. 
        • Download driver's license application forms
        • Driver's License Test
          • NATIS has implemented an online system where motorists can make online applications. Please click HERE and follow the prompts. 


            Make the application in person at either the Driver’s License Testing Centre at 275 Durban Road, Korsten or at the Traffic Department in Uitenhage (76 Cuyler Street, Central, Uitenhage). 


            Make an online appointment by telephone: 

            Port Elizabeth: 041 506 1100 / 1022

            Uitenhage: 041 995 2700

            Complete the DL1 Application for Driving License

            You will need to take with you:

            1. Your identity document

            2. Two recently taken passport photographs

            3. Proof of address as per FICA/RICA requirements.

            Complete the relevant application form.

            The cost of the test:

            • Code C1, C, EC1 or C: R345.00

            • Code B or EB: R294.00

            • Code A or A: R225.00

            • Issue of license card: R216.00

            PLEASE NOTE:

            Applicants who do not comply with the restrictions/limitations set out in their learner’s license regarding glasses/contact lenses, etc. will not be tested and will forfeit their test fee.

            Once the applicant has passed his/her Driver’s License Test, the fee to issue the document must be paid on the day of the test. Should this fee not be paid on the day of  test, the Driver’s License cannot be issued, as the NaTIS does not permit the NaTIS operator to do the transaction.

        • Duplicate Driver's license
          • NATIS has implemented an online system where motorists can make online applications. Please click HERE and follow the prompts. 


            Make the application in person, at either the Driver’s License Testing Centre at 275 Durban Road, Korsten or at the Traffic Department in Uitenhage (76 Cuyler Street, Central, Uitenhage).

            You will need to take with you:

            1.       Your identity document

            2.       Two recently taken passport photographs

            3.       Proof of address as per FICA/RICA requirements.

            Complete the relevant application form, to be obtained at either the Driver’s License Testing Centre at 275 Durban Road, Korsten or at the Traffic Department in Uitenhage (76 Cuyler Street, Central, Uitenhage)

            Complete the relevant declaration explaining the loss/theft, etc. of document

            The cost of a Duplicate Learner’s License is R180.00

        • Duplicate Learner's License
          • NATIS has implemented an online system where motorists can make online applications. Please click HERE and follow the prompts. 


            Make the application in person, at either the Driver’s License Testing Centre at 275 Durban Road, Korsten or at the Traffic Department in Uitenhage (76 Cuyler Street, Central, Uitenhage).

            You will need to take with you:

            1.       Your identity document

            2.       Two recently taken passport photographs

            3.       Proof of address as per FICA/RICA requirements.

            Complete the relevant application form, to be obtained at either the Driver’s License Testing Centre at 275 Durban Road, Korsten or at the Traffic Department in Uitenhage (76 Cuyler Street, Central, Uitenhage)

            Complete the relevant declaration explaining the loss/theft, etc. of document

            The cost of a Duplicate Learner’s License is R180.00

        • Learner's driving license test
          • NATIS has implemented an online system where motorists can make online applications. Please click HERE and follow the prompts. 


            Make the application in person, at either the Driver’s License Testing Centre at 275 Durban Road, Korsten or at the Traffic Department in Uitenhage (76 Cuyler Street, Central, Uitenhage).

            You will need to take with you:

            1.       Your identity document

            2.       Two recently taken passport photographs

            3.       Proof of address as per FICA/RICA requirements.

            Complete the relevant application form, to be obtained at either the Driver’s License Testing Centre at 275 Durban Road, Korsten or at the Traffic Department in Uitenhage (76 Cuyler Street, Central, Uitenhage)

            Complete the relevant declaration explaining the loss/theft, etc. of document

            The cost of a Duplicate Learner’s License is R180.00

        • Professional Driver's Permit (PDP)

            NATIS has implemented an online system where motorists can make online applications. Please click HERE and follow the prompts. 


            1.    The applicant must report to the Drivers Licence Testing Center at 275 Durban Road in Korsten with the following requirements. 

            • Must be above the age of 18 to obtain a PrDP for goods only with no criminal record.
            • Must be above the age of 21 to obtain a PrDP for passengers with no criminal record.
            • Must be above the age of 25 to obtain a PrDP for Dangerous Goods with no criminal record.
            • Applicants requiring a Dangerous Goods  PrDP must produce a training certificate in the handling of Dangerous Goods not older than (6) six months.
            • When reporting to the enquiries counter a valid South African I/D must be produced.
            • valid proof of physical address must be produced that is not older than 3 months.
            • One recent photograph must be supplied by the applicant.
            • R 216 for the application of the new drivers licence card.
            • R 108 for the application of the PrDP. 

            2.  A yellow PD1 application form together with a white medical certificate, valid for (2 ) two months, and may only be completed by a Doctor, will be handed out to be completed.

            3.  Follow the  queue  at  the licence renewal machine by the wooden benches that are situated on the left side of the building as the building is entered.

            4.  Upon completion of the eye test  and  taking  of  finger  prints, proceed to the cashiers to make the required payment.

            5.  It will be explained to the applicant and documentation given to make payment of R 90 at a bank for the processing of the  finger prints.

            6.  The processing of  finger prints takes about 2 weeks and once processed a notification will be sent via sms to the applicant informing them that the  finger print application has been completed.

            7.  Once the  finger print report is received back at the D.L.T.C. and no problems are experienced, the application is then completed by the drivers licence card being ordered.

            8.  The process from start to finish without any problems takes about 8 weeks.

            9.  Once the  finger prints have been approved and the applicant requires a temporary drivers licence then a further R 96 can be paid with an additional photograph. This document is valid for a period of (6) six months.

            10.Once the new card has arrived with the PRDP printed thereon and is ready for collection a  post card is forwarded to the given address to come and collect the card.

        • Traffic Driver's License renewal requirements- credit card format
          • NATIS has implemented an online system where motorists can make online applications. Please click HERE and follow the prompts


            Make the application in person at either the Driver’s License Testing Centre at 275 Durban Road, Korsten or at the Traffic Department in Uitenhage (76 Cuyler Street, Central, Uitenhage).

            Fill in the DCT form (Declaration in respect of lost documents)

            You will need to take with you:

            1. Your identity document

            2. Three recently taken passport photographs

            3. Proof of address as per FICA/RICA requirements.

            Complete the relevant application form, to be obtained at either the Driver’s License Testing Centre at 275 Durban Road, Korsten or at the Traffic Department in Uitenhage (76 Cuyler Street, Central, Uitenhage). 

            DL1 Application for Driving License

            Cost of new card: R216.00

            A Temporary Driver’s License (cost: R96.00) must be taken out to cover the period during which the application is being processed

        • When do I need a PDP ? (Professional Driver's Permit)
          • If you drive one of the following vehicles, you need a Professional Driver’s Permit:

            • a goods vehicle, with gross vehicle mass exceeding  3 500 kg;

            • a breakdown vehicle;

            • a bus;

            • a minibus, with a gross vehicle mass exceeding 3500 kg; or which is designed or adapted for the conveyance of 12 or more persons, including the driver;

            • a motor vehicle used for the conveyance of persons for reward;

            • a goods vehicle carrying dangerous goods, the gross vehicle mass of which exceeds 3500 kg, or a vehicle to which standard specifications SABS 1398 "Road tank vehicles for petroleum-based flammable liquids" or standard specification SABS 1518: "Transportation of dangerous goods - design requirements for road tankers" apply; 

            • A motor vehicle conveying 12 or more persons, including the driver. 

      • Fishing license
        • No  licence is needed to fish in fresh water. Licences for fishing in the ocean can be obtained at any Post Office.
      • Food Compliance license for Hawkers/Restaurants/Shops/Caterers.
      • Fuel Storage Permit
          • Fuel Storage Permits are valid for one (1) year and can be obtained from the Fire Safety Division. Tel: 041 585 2311
          • Council’s Tariff of Charges will apply.

           NOTE: There are costs involved for certain services. Contact: 041 585 2311.

           For any South Africa National Standards (SANS) queries or the purchase of SANS documents, please contact the Standards Sales Office at 012 4286198 / 6834 or sales@sabs.co.za.

      • Public Event
        • You require permission to host an event on the beachfront from the Sport, Recreation Arts and Culture directorate. Applications can be submitted to the Beach Office.
      • Trade Effluent Permit
      • Transportation of Plants or Animals
        • 1. Plants - Permits for owning and/or transporting (i.e. cycads)
          2. Animal - Permits for owning and/or transporting (i.e. reptiles)
          3. Game farms - Transport of game and certificates of adequate enclosures for game farms
          4. Nurseries

          The Contact details are as follows: Switchboard: 041 508 5803 or Mr Mike Eksteen: 041 508 5825 or Mike.eksteen@deaet.ecape.gov.za or Pumza.mapara@deaet.ecape.gov.za

          Harvesing of plants:

          In the case of harvesting plants from construction and/or development sites on erven owned by the Municipality, permission (in the form of a letter) has to be obtained from the Municipality first.

          The letter will then be taken to DEDEA (the Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs & Tourism) in order to obtain a permit. The letter can be obtained from (depending on the area in which the erf is situated): Settlers Park Nature Reserve:  041 506 1799 or Van Stadens Wild Flower Reserve:  041 956 0155
      • Vehicle registration certificates
        • MVR1-MIB Form: Application for INITIAL vehicle registration

          ADV Form: Application to DEREGISTER a vehicle 

          DRC Form: Application for a DUPLICATE vehicle registration certificate

          DCT Form: Declaration in respect of lost documents regarding motor vehicles
    • Municipal Account
      • Account Balance
      • Account related information sheet
      • Account Services
      • Business Account Services
      • Debit order form
      • New Municipal Account
        • The transferring attorney, seller or buyer (new owner) can email a copy of the registration confirmation which will be sent to the Rates Department in order to open a rates account for the new owner and close the rates account of the previous owner.

          The new owner must visit (no on-line application process available) a Customer Care Centre 30 days after sending the registration confirmation and provide the following information, in order to open a water account for the newly acquired property which will then result in the previous owner’s consumption account being closed:

          • New owner's ID
          • Letter of ownership confirmation or new rates account
          • R350.00 water security deposit (if water not included in levy account)
          • R450.00 electricity security deposit if credit electricity meter installed on property
          • Where pre-paid electricity meter installed on property, then bring with the prepaid card (no deposit required for a pre-paid meter) 

          "Please note that the following centres are currently open to the public from 8:00 to 15:30, Monday to Friday:

          (1) Mafana Sekhaya Gqobose (Old City Treasurer), Govan Mbeki Avenue

          (2) Korsten office (opposite Livingstone Hospital)

          (3) Uitenhage office (at Uitenhage City Hall)

          (4) Motherwell Thusong Centre

          (5) New Brighton, Ntshekisa Road

          (6) Walmer, Heugh Road

          (7) Despatch City Hall

          (8) Cleary Park Shopping Centre

          (9) Kwanobuhle

      • Stop services
        • Please forward a letter to Customer Care that indicates the address, your account number and the date you would like services to be cut. The owner will be held liable for the re-connection cost and the settlement of arrear amounts on the account.

          E-mail: customercare@mandelametro.gov.za
          Tel: 041 506 5555
    • Subsidies and Rebates
    • Trees to be planted on the verge in front of my property
      • Contact the NMBM Call Centre on 0800 50 2020 or one of the following Parks offices:

        Victoria Park  â€“ 041 506 7620
        (Wards 1, 6, 8, 14 - 22, 31, 40) 

        St George's Park  â€“ 041 506 2780
        (Wards 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11)

        Hillside Depot  â€“ 041 506 7606
        (Wards 9, 10, 12, 13, 23, 24 - 28, 30,32, 35, 39, 53 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 )

        Buxton Rd Depot  â€“ 041 994 1178
        (Uitenhage/Despatch Wards 29, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41 - 52)
    • Urban Agriculture assistance

        This sub-directorate has a mandate of assisting emerging metro farmers, both in the livestock and crop production industry. The type of assistance received is in the form of infrastructure development, equipment and production inputs. Examples of assistance:


        • Fencing, boreholes, irrigation system installation, hydroponics development etc
        • Garden equipment, animal feeding equipment, water tanks, etc
        • Seeds, fertilizers, animal feed (chicken, piggery, cows, goats, etc.)



        Food gardens and Crop Production Projects: MUST HAVE


        • An operational piece of land
        • Proof of land ownership (lease agreement for commercial projects/hydroponics tunnels/ Aquaponics minimum 10 years, for food gardens minimum of 3 years)
        • Operating in an area of 1 Ha for food gardens, 1 Ha and above for commercial projects (e.g. Hydroponics/aquaponics)
        • Be a registered entity (land of above 1 Ha)
        • Business Plan (land of above 1 Ha)
        • Certified identity documents of project members



        Livestock Farming and Commercial Projects: MUST HAVE


        • An operational piece of land
        • Proof of land ownership (lease agreement or copy of title deed)
        • Operate in an area of 1 Ha or less for food gardens, 1 Ha and above for commercial projects (hydroponics / aquaponics etc)
        • Certified identity documents of project members
        • Business Plan (land of above 1 Ha)
        • Be a registered entity (land of above 1 Ha)




        • Application to be filled and attach necessary documents
        • Deliver to the following address:


        Ø  7th Floor, Kwantu Towers

        Vuyisile Mini Square

        Govan Mbeki, PE




        Ø  Email: pnmali@mandelametro.gov.za



        • Mr Mzwanele Ngokro – Livestock Production


        041 461 1461/09 or 082 317 9037



        • Ms Nozipho Mkhabela – Crop Production or Food Gardens


        041 461 1461/09 or 082 371 8985



        • Ms Pamela Mali – Secretarial Support



        041 503 7504 or 079 490 0709

    • Vacancy
  • Know More
  • Pay / Buy
    • Buy or lease land from the Municipality
      • External parties may submit an application to purchase, lease or encroach on municipal land.

        Submission of application

        Applications must be hand delivered to the Executive Director: Human Settlements (Attention: Property Management Division).

        Physical Address:

        Human Settlements Records Division
        Ground Floor
        Lillian Diedericks Building
        Govan Mbeki Avenue

        Application documentation needed

        There is no formal application form as of yet, but an application should clearly state:

        The property details: as much detail as possible, i.e. erf number and or address; locality map of sort -

        ·        What the land is to be used for

        ·        Motivation for the acquisition

        ·        Preferred method of disposal: Sale; Lease or Encroachment

        ·        Name and contact details of the applicant

        Application process and time frames

        ·        Once the hand-delivered application is received, acknowledgment of receipt of application will be e-mailed to the applicant with the contact details of the relevant official dealing with the application.

        ·        The application will be subjected to internal circulation (SALT) in order to assess whether the subject land is required for municipal purposes, the most fundamental question to be responded to.

        ·        A report will be prepared for consideration by full Council via the relevant standing committee of Council (Human Settlement Committee) and the Executive Mayor.

        ·        The report will recommend and Council will resolve whether the land can be disposed and if so in what manner, i.e. by means of public tender or by means of expression of interest.

        ·        Both instances will be advertised in the media; tenders will be considered by the Land Evaluation Committee and adjudicated

        ·        Time frames are according to SPLUMA (Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act) -View info-graphic


        The cost will vary according to the TYPE of application. Examples of TYPE include but are not limited to: Rezoning /Closure / Survey / Sub- division / Market value. Disposal and transfer will be for the cost of the applicant.

    • Municipal Account
      • How and where do I pay my municipal account
        • NMBM banking details are as follows:
          ABSA current account: 40-7953-3842
          Branch code: 632005

          EFT payments:
          Set the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality up as a beneficiary and use your 12 Digit municipal account number e.g 600 224 068 008 as your reference number on your payment notification.

          Please note


          • All EFT payments must be made 4 days before the account due date to ensure the payment is allocated to the correct municipal account by due date. 
          • EFT payments less than 4 days before the account due date could be allocated to the municipal account after the due date and the account holder will be liable for late payment interest. 
          • Your new month's account will always reflect an arrear amount if the payment is allocated after the statement is processed. 
          • Please pay timeously in future. 


          The following ABSA account number must be used for the payment of multiple accounts:

          Account beneficiary: Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality 
          Absa current account
          Account number: 40-7953-3826
          Branch Code: 632005

          Paying in person at a Customer Care Centre


          • Ensure that you have your account (original or copy) with you. 
          • Visit your nearest municipal Customer Care office. Make sure that the cashier counts the money in front of you.
          • Do not accept any receipt other than one printed by the computer. 
          • Check your change in front of the cashier. 
          • If you leave before checking your change, you are implying that you are satisfied with the transaction. 
          • Any error will be much more difficult to resolve at a later stage. 
          • Make sure that your account number is printed on the receipt and that the amount is correct. If not satisfied, insist on speaking to the Supervisor. 
          • Note: Debit and Credit cards payments to a maximum of R8 000.00 are accepted.


      • How do I read my municipal account?
      • How do I settle an overdue account after the services was cut off?
      • My electricity has been blocked or disconnected, whom should I contact?
        • You could visit any of the offices below between 08:00 - 15:30 on weekdays to pay your arrears. If you have paid your arrears via the internet, you must supply your receipt number and proof of payment by calling any of the centres on the numbers below, between 08:00 - 16:30. The Customer Care Helpline on tel: 041-506 5555 is also open Monday to Friday, from 08:00 - 16:30. Fax your receipt to fax numbers 041-506 1304 or 041-506 1442.







          TEL NUMBER


          Mfanasekhaya Gqobose Building

          041-506 5555

          Govan Mbeki Avenue, Central


          041-506 5555

          Ponana Tini Road, next to Fire Station


          041-506 5555

          Town Hall Building


          041-506 5555

          Heugh Road, 6th Avenue Shopping Mall

          Cleary Park

          041-506 5555

          Cleary Park Shopping Centre


          041-506 5555

          Main Road


          041-506 5555

          Ablett Road, opposite Livingstone Hospital

          Kwamagxaki (Temporarily closed)

          041-506 5555

          Cnr of Ralo and Uitenhage Roads

          New Brighton

          041-506 5555

          Ntshekisa Road

          Traffic Department - Sidwell

          041-402 1000

          Cnr of Creswell Street and Sidwell Avenue

          Electricity Directorate (Munelek)

          041-392 4111

          46 Harrower Road, North End


          • Alternatively, the following number can be contacted after 16:30: tel. 041-506 17:00 until 20:00 
      • What do I do if I can't pay my municipal account?
      • What is the responsibility of a municipal account holder?
        • (1) The account holder must pay all amounts due to Council as reflected in the municipal account, and the onus is on the account holder to verify the accuracy of such account.

          (2) An account holder must pay for metered services, the assessment rates, other municipal charges, levies, fees, fines, interest, taxes or any other liability or obligation from the date of origin of such municipal charges until the written termination of the services.

          (3) An account holder -

          (a) has one account number and will be rendered one account, on which the due date for settlement of the total amount owing is reflected; and

          (b) will be rendered an account monthly in cycles of approximately thirty days;

          (4) Payment must be received on or before the due date at close of business on the due date.

          (5) Payment made via any of the service providers appointed by Council to receive payments on its behalf, should be made at least four working days before the due date to enable the payment to be processed, and interest will accrue should Council receive payment after the due date.

          (6) Where the account holder effects payment of an account via a service provider four working days or more before the due date and such service provider fails to furnish Council with the relevant payment details, such service provider may be held liable for all charges incurred by Council to recover an arrear amount erroneously reflected on the account of the account holder, as well as for interest charges.

          (7) Council may estimate the quantity of metered services supplied in respect of a period or periods within the interval between actual successive readings of the meters, and may render an account to an account holder for the quantity of metered services so estimated.

          (8) If an account holder is dissatisfied with an account rendered for metered services supplied by Council, such account holder may, prior to the due date stipulated therein, object in writing to the account, setting out reasons for his/her dissatisfaction.

          (9) Should any dispute arise as to the amount owing by an account holder, and subject to the provisions of Section 102 of the Act, the account holder must notwithstanding such dispute proceed to make regular payments by the due date, based on the calculation of the average municipal account for the preceding three months prior to the arising of the dispute and taking into account interest as well as the annual amendments of tariffs of Council.

          (10) An error or omission in any account or failure to render an account will not relieve the account holder of the obligation to pay by the due date

          (11) If an account holder uses water or electricity for a category of use other than that for which it is supplied by Council and is in consequence not charged for water or electricity so used, or is charged for the water or electricity at a rate lower than that at which the account holder should be charged, the account holder will be held liable for the amount due to Council in accordance with the prescribed charges in respect of -

          (a) the quantity of water or electricity which, in the opinion of the relevant Directorate Manager, the account holder has used and for which the account holder has not been charged; or

          (b) the difference between the cost of the water or electricity used by the account holder at the rate at which the account holder has been charged and the cost of the water or electricity at the rate at which the account holder should have been charged.

          (12) An account holder will not be entitled to a reduction of the amount payable for metered services that are lost due to a default in the meter, save in terms of the Provisions of Clause 17(8)(c).

          (13) Council may -

          (a) consolidate any separate accounts of an account holder liable for payment to the Municipality; and

          (b) credit any payment by an account holder against any debt of that account holder.

          Interest levied on an account can be reversed only if there was an error on the side of the NMBM. Payments made at an agency (bank, post office or via easypay) must be made at least four (4) days before the due date indicated on the statement.

    • Pre- Paid Electricity vending outlets
    • Pre-paid Electricity
      • You can buy pre-paid electricity in four (4) ways.

        1)    Visit your nearest vendor or Customer Care office with either your electricity swipe card or an old token for your address. Make sure that the vendor or cashier counts the money in front of you. Check your change in front of the vendor or cashier. If you leave before checking your change, you are implying that you are satisfied with the transaction. Any error is much more difficult to resolve at a later stage. Make sure that the correct details (pre-paid meter number etc) are printed on the token and that the amount is correct.

        2)     You can also purchase pre-paid electricity via the NMBM’s IVR telephone system. You have to register as an IVR user by supplying your banking details; you will receive a pin code, which you must use when doing the purchase via your cell phone. See all the benefits of the IVR system and register as a user today!  

        3)     You can register the NMBM as a beneficiary on your on-line banking and purchase electricity via your bank.  

        4)    Register and use the WireIT platform. Once registered, you have the ability to choose the method to make your purchase, either via Cellphone banking / EFT / ATM / from one of the following banks: ABSA, FNB, Nedbank, Standard Bank and Capitec. - How to use WireIT

        List of Prepaid vendors within the NMBM

    • Traffic Fines
      • The Traffic and Licensing Services Department at the corner of Sidwell and Cresswell Streets accept payment for Traffic Fines, Warrants of Arrest, Accident Reports, Electricity, Dog Licenses and Parking Discs for the Physically Disabled in the cash hall of its Customer Care Centre.

        Traffic fine enquiries: 041 402 1064

        Tel: 041 402 1000
        Fax: 041402 1166
        email: traffic@mandelametro.gov.za

        EFT payments

        The following ABSA account number must be used for the payment of multiple accounts and Traffic Fines:

        Account beneficiary: Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality 
        Absa current account
        Account number: 40-7953-3826
        Branch Code: 632005

        View my fines

  • Register
  • Report
  • Request
    • Account Balance
    • Clearance Certificates
    • Cutting of Grass
    • Cutting of Trees
    • Directional Signs
    • Information not on the Municipal website
      • Request for access to information held by the Municipality is regulated by section 18 of the Act and can be requested by filling in the application form. Please click here to download the Manual and applicable forms.

        Upon receipt of the requested information, Municipality has 30 days to assess and consider the application submitted by the requester. A non - refundable application fee of R35.00 is payable before processing the request. In the  event, the application is refused Information Officer must advise the requester accordingly.
        Each application received must be considered within 30 days from the  date of receipt. In the event the application is not considered after 30 days it is automatically "deemed refusal".
        In the event the Information Officer grant requested  information further fee may be charged depending on the time spent in collating the requested information as well as the production fee. In determining the  applicable fee for the above, we are guided by the tariff set out in the regulations of the Act.
        The application fee  as well as other costs related are payable to our banking account details which are attached hereto for ease of reference.
        Bank: ABSA
        Account name: Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
        Account number: 40 7953 3826
        Branch code: 63 2005
    • New Road Signs / Markings
    • Refunds

      • Please click here for detailed information on Refunds

    • Speed Calming